Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Mattie's Dilemma

I think that Mattie has a colossal dilemma.  She has been talking about going to college and learning to be a writer a lot, but she's also been talking about getting married and having somebody love her the way Jim loves Minnie...I think that the main cause of her dilemma is that she wants to be loved, but being married in this time meant being at home to cook, clean, take care of the kids etc. When she talks about going to college and living alone, she imagines a lonely, but free and liberating life.  She wants that free life, but she also wants love.  She wants to marry, but she wants a career.  The problem is that women who married in this time period had to take care of all the responsibilities that came with being a wife/mother, some of which are listed above.  They couldn't be independent and married at the same time.

Now (at least in our country), women can get married and raise children and have a career.  What do you think about Mattie's dilemma?  What other similarities or differences between the early 20th century and this time period have you guys noticed?


  1. I totally agree i think that she was headed in a good direction with the thoughts about college and learning to be a writer and maybe get her pieces published but i think that She should follow her heart not necessarily her brain and her liking of Royal he hasn't even said he loves her...!

  2. I agree with both you guys. I also feel that Mattie has kind of a problem because she either has to choose "love" OR going to college and becoming an even better writer. This makes me feel pretty bad for her because she probably wants both, but having both is basically impossible in this time period. Now, in the 20th century, woman can have both a family and a career which is great if they want both. I am also doubting whether Royal really actually does love her or if its just fake...?

  3. Yeah this i a really important point because almost the whole book is based on it. I thinks it sad that women couldn't have love and a free life at the same time. It is awesome that we can have both nowadays and you wouldn't be crazy if you went to school instead of marrying.
