Friday, September 23, 2011

Anthony Comstock

Here the wiki page about the guy Emily's husband was yelling about. Remember him? Anthony Comstock? Well, in the book Emily's husband was yelling that she had disgraced the family and that Anthony Comstock had ruined so many people and now he was going to ruin her. Here's the link:

Fun fact: Comstock claims that he drove fifteen people to suicide.


  1. Hmmm...that's pretty interesting...So what do you guys think about Emily Wilcox/Baxter's situation? I think that it's awesome that she got her writing published. And although Anthony Comstock seems like one of those people who ruins careers by criticizing other people's writing and pointing out the flaws, I think that it's good publicity for Emily. When a book (or anything for that matter) is banned, or criticized, or forbidden, people get curious as to why it's forbidden. This could potentially get her name out as a writer. I'm also really sad about the incident with her's sad that women couldn't have a career AND raise a family back then.

  2. I wouldn't say its a fun fact... its really sad

  3. I thinks its cool that Emily Baxter is publishing her work about gender. it is awesome to think that in that time someone, especially a women,has these thoughts and is writing them down. I wonder what Mattie will think about it and if it will affect her writing because she really wants to be a writer and write the truth like what cancer smells like and what giving birth is really like.

  4. I agree with Kylie. Miss Wilcox is a very non-stereotypical female character in this book.

  5. I find it interesting how Miss Wilcox has created a new person for herself in the town but how different it is from the real her. The new persona is a teacher from a rich family who has one of the only automobiles in town, and lives in a big house. But, this is pretty different from who she really is, and when the council men find out about her writing banned poems, book and literature, they shun her and pronounce her a disgrace to the town. On top of all of that, her own husband does not accept her for who she really is and also disrespects her. Also, I think that Miss Wilcox really wanted Mattie to go to college because she did not want her to be stuck in a position like her.
