Monday, September 19, 2011

Mattie and Royal

I find it very interesting that Mattie seems to not believe that Royal and her are "sparking" or at least she doesn't seem like it is reality. She thinks that kisses from boys like Royal are for girls like Martha Miller. if he likes her so much to touch her in certain ways I think that she should believe it. her sisters think that she is being "sweet on him" but she doesn't admit that.


  1. I find it kind of disgusting but i agree that she and Royal are "sparking" i also very much dislike that guy. She doesn't seem to accept that he's is into her and she sort of is into him

  2. I don't like how they are 'sparking' and I think Mattie needs to realize that she and Royal aren't right for eachother. After she gets over him liking her, she needs to tell him "thanks, but no thanks".

  3. I agree with 'Unknown,' because I think that she is kind of caught up in the fact that a Royal likes her. I think that she doesn't realize that she is smart and special and bright. I think she thinks that Royal is out of her league and that she should be with him because he's 'ideal' by the definition of society. btw-who's 'unknown' ?

  4. Royal first of all needs to get over how handsome he is because to me he seems very stuck up (maybe its just me). Royal is just taking advantage of Mattie's body because she is so in love with him and can't seem to stop him from kissing her. After he promised to stop unless she said otherwise, he went right ahead and did it anyways! This guy is evil and really needs to learn to respect women and their boundaries. Girls were more of a piece of property back then but it doesn't make it ok for him to completely disrespect her.

  5. I agree with Andrea. Royal really needs to stop taking advantage over Mattie just because she seems to like him. I also think that Royal is pretty stuck up and knows hes good looking so he uses it to take advantage over other people. Also, my theory as for why his and Martha Millers realtionship did not work out was probably because she realized that he was just using her and did not really love her. Royal also kind of reminds me of Chester Gillete because they both used women for their own happiness in life which is disturbing and saddening that women were/ are thought of as objects for men.

  6. I agree with serafina and andrea. Royal knows that he's 'the total package' and h knows that Mattie probably wouldn't normally get someone like him. So it would be easier to take advantage of her rather than a girls like Martha Miller. Maybe this is the same thing that Mr Loomis is doing to Royals mother. I think she knows that he's having affairs with Emmie Hubbard, but she can't do anything about it. I think that if Mattie and Royal marry, He may take advantage of her in this way.

  7. I agree with all of the comments above. She knows that he doesn't really love her, but many marriages were based on a lot more than love. People used to marry for power or wealth (and probably still do in many places). Royal may be marrying because they both live in the same area and they both are saving money and so it would work out well for them (logistically). I think that Mr Loomis, Royal, and Chester are all similar in a way because they all seem to be taking advantage of the women they are romantically involved with. Maybe the author was trying to illustrate the nature of relationships between men and women in this time period...

  8. Same. I also agree with Emily, but Jim and Minnie seem that they really love each other, and so some of the marriages really are for love and all the other comments above.

